During RFx publishing, the purchaser user is asked to digitally sign the RFx document, just like during RFx Response submission, the bidder user is asked to digitally sign the RFx Response document as well. These activities of signing the documents can be performed by anyone's digital certificate, which is available on the given computer, even if they do not belong to the current user or the current organization. There is no checks during digital signature for user and organization.
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
- SAP SRM, add-on for bid security and expert bid evaluation
EBP, SRMSTD, digital, signature, dig.sig, verification, verify, usb, token, security, browser, mac, windows, user, certificate, certify , KBA , SRM-LOC-BSE , Bid Security Enhancements , SRM-EBP-BID , Bid Invitation , SRM-EBP-QUO , Quotation, Bid , SRM-EBP-CA-SIG , Digital Signature , Problem
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