- Unable to logon on Data Services Management Console (DSMC).
- Unable to start the EIM Adaptive Processing Server.
- The Health check icon is red.
- The EIM Adaptive Processing Server logs show the following errors.
Error "com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.ManagedService||invoke(): the service is dead
com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.OCAFrameworkException$AllServicesDown: Unable to find servers in CMS <CMS>:6400 and cluster @<CMS>:6400 with kind cms and service null. All such servers could be down or disabled by the administrator. (FWM 01014)"
Error "Failed to start service <Service name>"
Error "Failed to START service <Service name> error code is 65111"
- SAP Data Services
- SAP Information Steward
SAP Data Services 4.2 ; SAP Information Steward 4.2
EIMAPS, EIM APS, java error, crystaldecisions, apache.axis2, dataservices.adminservice, adapter.webservice, , KBA , EIM-IS-SVR , Information Steward - Administration/Server , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , EIM-DS-DEP , Deployment, Installation, Upgrade , Problem
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