Trying to run 3rd party code that uses SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable 64bit 4.2 SP5 to authenticate to Prod BOE cluster via Trusted Authentication with TrustedPrincipal.conf saved to folder that 3rd party specifies.
Getting error "An error occurred when logging into the BI Server. There was an error reading the shared secret from trusted principal configuration file."
Using Procmon tool to capture all IO shows the TrustedPrincipal.conf file is only readable to Offset 13 and then it results in error.
The 3rd party code on the non-Prod servers works successfully and copying the non-Prod TrustedPrincipal.conf file to Prod server running 3rd party code reads that non-Prod TrustedPrincipal.conf successfully.
Why would the TrustedPrincipal.conf file created by Prod BOE cluster server only be readable to Offset 13?
BusinessObjects Enterprise 4.x
"An error occurred when logging into the BI Server. There was an error reading the shared secret from trusted principal configuration file", SharedSecret, TrustedPrincipal.conf , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
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