SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2772959 - Keytest User Sees Different Results To User the Keytest Is Modelled On


You modelled a Keytest user on a business user ABC (ABC represents the user name). You notice that the keytest user has a different view/ access to ABC.


SAP Cloud for Customer


You changed the user ABCs Access Rights after the Keytest user was created. For example: a change of Sales Organization assignment, or a change to the access rights, etc.

The keytest user's assignment is a snapshot of the impersonated user at the time of assignment. Changes done to ABC will not be reflected for the Keytest user.


You need to re-impersonate the business user by Keytest user again from scratch.

See Also

SAP Cloud for Customer Help Portal: Logon as Another User


keytest user, keytest1, assignment, different, not working, Logon as Another User , KBA , LOD-LE-RC-GEN-XCR , General Cross Topics , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions