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2773147 - Error java.lang.NullPointerException happens in the upgrade phase UPDATE-UTL-TABLES-ENTRIES


Error in the following pattern happens in the phase UPDATE-UTL-TABLES-ENTRIES in a Netweaver Java system upgrade in SAP Software Update Manager(SUM).
[Info ]: Loaded usage type data from data source jdbc/pool/<SID>.
[Info ]: Recorded PPMS data for product <Product name> (<Product ID>) in the database.
Replaced products:              << Please note products and usages are empty here.
Technical usages:
[Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: java.lang.NullPointerException.

There is no Product instance and usage types found in file PPMSInstancesPre.html and UsageTypesInfoPre.html
Detailed information about PPMS products
No PPMS Products were detected on the system.
Information about Active Usage Types
No active usage types were detected on the system. One possible reason could be that the usage types are no longer in use.

Check in DIALOG.LOG, the xxx.xml was found instead of the stack.xml.The customer can find which xml file was provided earlier in DIALOG.LOG.
[Info ]: In dialog TargetOptions the value of variable stack labeled <HTML><BODY><B>Stack configuration file (XML)</B></BODY></HTML> has been set to value of variable true.
[Info ]: In dialog TargetOptions the value of variable inbox labeled <HTML><BODY><B>Manually prepared directory</B></BODY></HTML> has been set to value of variable false.
[Info ]: In dialog INBOXDIR the value of variable INBOXDIR labeled has been set to value of variable X:\XX\xxx.xml.



SAP Java system


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


UPDATE-UTL-TABLES-ENTRIES,SYSTEM_IDENTITY,execute,system-identity-execute,update-utl-tables-entries,,class java.lang.NullPointerException, Recorded PPMS data for product SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.2, Replaced products , Technical usages, SUM, SAP Software Update Manager , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem

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