You are getting a syntax error in /BDL/SAPLBDL11 after upgrading to ST-PI 740 SP10 in a system running on DB6
- You observe a dump about a missing include after performing the automatic activity "Activate Services" in solman_setup -> Managed System Configuration:
Syntax error in program "/BDL/SAPLBDL11
In include "/BDL/LBDL11UXX ", in line 113 of program
"/BDL/SAPLBDL11 ", the following syntax errors
have occurred: INCLUDE report "/BDL/LBDL11U60" not found
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
/BDL/SAPLBDL11, missing include, INCLUDE report "/BDL/LBDL11U60" not found, solman_setup, Activate Services , KBA , SV-SMG-SDD , Service Data Download , Problem
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