- Running the following command to materialize the master database:
sap_materialize auto,<Site1_name>, <Site2_name>, master
- Database materialization fails:
sap_status task
---------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Status Start Time <time>
Status Elapsed Time 00:00:03
Materialize Task Name Materialize
Materialize Task State Error
Materialize Short Description Materialize database
Materialize Long Description Starting materialization of the master database from source 'Site1_name' to target 'Site2_name'.
Materialize Task Start <time>
Materialize Task End <time>
Materialize Hostname ***
PerformMasterMaterialization Task Name Materialize the Master database
PerformMasterMaterialization Task State Error
PerformMasterMaterialization Short Description Materializes the Master database by using a bulk copy utility to copy necessary tables.
PerformMasterMaterialization Long Description !PerformMasterMaterialization.FIXUP_PREPARE_STAGE_PRIMARY!
PerformMasterMaterialization Failing Command sp_rep_masterdbsetup 'extract primary data'
PerformMasterMaterialization Failing Command Return Code 0
PerformMasterMaterialization Failing Command Error Message !FAILED_FIXUP_PREPARE_STAGE_WITHSQLCODE!
PerformMasterMaterialization Failing Exception Message: 'JZ0SG: A CallableStatement did not return as many output parameters as the application had registered for it.' Cause: ''.
PerformMasterMaterialization Current Task Number 1
PerformMasterMaterialization Total Number of Tasks 14
PerformMasterMaterialization Hostname ***
(20 rows affected)
- An "infected with signal 11" error in the module result() together with a stack trace is reported in the primary ASE errorlog:
** HADR operation: sap_materialize auto, Site1_name, Site2_name, master,
** Message: is starting
Current process (0x534f0425) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Address 0x0x0000000001ccb8a3 (result+0x573), siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0x0x0000000000000019)
- SQL causing error is shown as:
SQL causing error : sp_rep_masterdbsetup 'extract primary data'
Current Procedure: sp_aux_repmasterdbcapture
- The stack trace includes the following routines,
Note: A complete stack trace is available under Attachments.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
CR818877, CR#818877, 818877, SEGV, segmentation, storage, access, violation, fault, segfault, kisignal, stacktrace, registers, pre-process, preprocess , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Bug Filed
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