SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2774119 - How to Mention Multiple Employees in a Feed Comment


You want to mention multiple Employees in a Feed Comment.

The first Employee can be chosen without an issue, but when trying to select the second Employee, clicking on the entry in the list does not have any effect.


Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue


  1. Go to the Activities work center.
  2. Select the Tasks view.
  3. Select Task 123 (123 represents the Task ID).
  4. Select the Feed facet.
  5. Select the Comment button on an existing Feed Update.
  6. Type @ABC (ABC represents the Employee name) in the field.
  7. Select Employee ABC from the table of suggested entries.
  8. To mention the second Employee type @DEF (DEF represents the Employee name) in the field.
  9. Select Employee DEF from the table of suggested entries.

Clicking on the name of Employee DEF does not have any effect and the Employee is not added to the Feed Comment.


This issue is occurring, because you selected Employee ABC from the Table by clicking on the name:


When you then want to add Employee DEF, the row that was selected when adding Employee ABC is shown as selected already and therefore cannot be selected again:


This is not limited to the first line in the table of suggested entries.

If you select the name in the second line this way, the second entry will be shown as selected when you try to add another Employee.


In order to avoid the entry in the list to be shown as selected already, you need to use the selectors on the left hand side instead of selecting the name from the table:



Feed Comment Update Multiple entry list suggested HTML5 Employee , KBA , SRD-CC-FED , Feeds , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions