While trying to enable BW reporting for ITSM - Incidents, during the activation job CCMS_BI_SETUP (solman_setup > IT Service Management > Configure BW Reporting > Define Extraction Settings) the following error messages are returned :
Indexes 040 and P for table /BI0/E0SPRINST have identical fields
Table /BI0/E0SPRINST could not be activated
Return code..............: 8
DDIC Object TABL /BI0/E0SPRINST has not been activated
Error when activating InfoCube 0SPRINST
- CCMS_BI_SETUP job from SM37 is reporting this as well:
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: DDIC Object TABL /BI0/E0SPRINST has not been activated
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Error when activating InfoCube 0SPRINST
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Error/warning in dict. activator, detailed log > Detail
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Indexes 040 and P for table /BI0/E0SPRINST have identical fields
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Table /BI0/E0SPRINST could not be activated
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Return code..............: 8
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: DDIC Object TABL /BI0/E0SPRINST has not been activated
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm ERROR: Error when resetting InfoCube 0SPRINST to the active version
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_QUERIES complete (27.03.2019 09:16:57)
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm Error occurred, check the logs
DD.MM.YYYY hh:ss:mm Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
- Checking SE11, the table /BI0/E0SPRINST is active. The 2 indexes appear but only 040 has active status. Check option is returning same errors:
Check index /BI0/E0SPRINST-P (<user>/DD.MM.YY/hh:mm)
Index /BI0/E0SPRINST-P is not in the customer namespace
Indexes P and 040 for table /BI0/E0SPRINST have identical fields
Index /BI0/E0SPRINST-P is not consistent
- RSA1 is showing the Infocube with status "Inactive" and Version "In Process"
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
- SAP Business Warehouse - All versions
ITSM, ChARM, charm, index, "identical fields", CCMS_BI_SETUP, 0SPRINST , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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