- A job with a nested object as a source fails with an Access Violation shortly after execution.
- Error "
System Exception <ACCESS_VIOLATION> occurred. Process dump option is off. Process is not dumped.
Call stack:
0x00000000CB689AEA, XRow_data::freeMemoryHandles()+0954 byte(s)
0x00000000CB6E8449, XLink_desc::clean()+0233 byte(s)
0x00000000CB6E7B7D, XPipe_desc::read()+0061 byte(s)
0x00000000CB6E08F6, XPort_desc::get_next()+0070 byte(s)
0x00000000CB52481A, XTran_project::getnext()+0090 byte(s)
0x00000000CB524597, XTran_project::execute()+0071 byte(s)
0x00000000CB6CCEDE, XTran_desc::execute()+0350 byte(s)
0x00000000CB4DFEC4, Rww_thread::main()+0148 byte(s)
0x00000000EFB5538F, RWThreadFunctionImp::run()+0127 byte(s)
0x00000000EFB4679E, RWRunnableImp::exec()+0270 byte(s)
0x00000000EFB56B63, RWThreadImp::exec()+0051 byte(s)
0x00000000EFB55649, RWThreadImp::~RWThreadImp()+0249 byte(s)
0x00000000F087BE5D, crt_at_quick_exit()+0125 byte(s)
0x00000000FBB313D2, BaseThreadInitThunk()+0034 byte(s)
0x00000000FDF354F4, RtlUserThreadStart()+0052 byte(s)
RAX=00000000841FD740 RBX=0000000092A3E690 RCX=0000000000000000 RDX=0000000092A3E690 RSI=0000000000000000
RDI=0000000000000000 RBP=00000000841FD788 RSP=00000000841FD720 RIP=00000000CB689AEA FLG=0000000000010206
R8=0000000000000008 R9=00000000F0C90000 R10=0000000092A3E690 R11=00000000841FD740 R12=0000000000000000
R13=00000000F4C62008 R14=00000000FAAE8500 R15=00000000AB9E9578
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00007FFECB689AEA 01:0000000001078AEA D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\bin\acta.dll " - Other jobs using the same source object work successfully.
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services 4.2
JSON, XML, Nested Schema, , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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