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2775557 - Filter scenario does work properly in User Experience Monitoring


You configured a script containing several steps in "End User Experience Monitoring" function and
you want to use filter scenario to filter the data for monitoring some steps.
The value of response time show the total response time of this script. not only for the steps you configured for filter.
But if you expand it, the value will be refreshed to the correct one.
Here is one sample.

1.After applying filter, you get a total response time 10000ms for this script.


2.After expanded it, the response time changes to the correct value. Here you can see the exact respsonse time for stepA,B and C is 4000ms.




  • SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPs06


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


End-User Experience Monitoring, EEM , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-EEM , End User Experience Monitoring , Problem

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