You are extracting changed Employee Data using Delta Replication. A custom infotype is part of the transformation template group which is enabled for Delta Replication.
When data in standard infotypes of the Transformation template group is modified, change pointers for message type 'ECPAO' are created automatically.
But when data in custom infotype, which is also used in the same transformation template group is modified, change pointer is not getting created in table BDCP2.
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Integration to SAP Business Suite
- Replicating Employee Data from SAP ERP HCM to Employee Central
- Extracting Changed Employee Data Using Delta Replication
ECPAO_EMPL_EXTRACTION, delta mode, RBDMIDOC, ECPAO , KBA , LOD-EC-INT-TLS , ERP On Premise to EC and EC-ERP Integration Tools , Problem
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