You are trying to update Sales Org Unit in Opporuntities, but you receive below error:
Please enter a party with role Seller.|Please enter another party ID. Sales Unit XYZ does not exist in master data
(where XYZ is Sales Org Unit)
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Data Workbench workcenter
- Select Import view
- Select Update option
- Search Opportunties Business Object and import the modified template
You receive above error message in the Error File.
Issue caused because the system expects Sales Unit ID in the column SalesUnitPartyID, not the description.
You have to send the Sales Unit ID in column SalesUnitPartyID in the template for upload.
Data Workbench, SalesUnitPartyID, Opportunities , KBA , LOD-LE-OPP , Opportunity processing , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions