The following error occurs when trying to publish a private version to a public version in a model with data audit enabled:
- Sorry, we were unable to publish data from version "" to "" - Error
- An unexpected technical error occurred
- Publish cannot be performed because the data audit table has reached the maximum number of rows.
This error occurs in the Chrome developer tools:
{code: "1000", message: "An unexpected technical error occurred.", details: [{code: "43033",…}]}
code: "1000"
details: [{code: "43033",…}]
0: {code: "43033",…}
code: "43033"
message: "An error occurred during the execution of the EPM command 'action': [
{"Number":43033,"Type":2,"Text":"SQL : 'INSERT INTO \"TENANT_5\".\"t.5.::AUDT_\" ( \"Version.ID\", \"Account.ID\", \"Time.CALMONTH\", \"Audit__time\", \"Audit__user\", \"Audit__old__SignedData\", \"Audit__new__SignedData\", \"Audit__delta__SignedData\", \"Audit__flag\") SELECT \"Version.ID\", \"Account.ID\",\"Weeks.ID\", \"Datasource.ID\", \"Time.CALMONTH\", \"Audit__time\", \"Audit__user\", SUM(\"Audit__old__SignedData\") AS \"Audit__old__SignedData\", SUM(\"Audit__new__SignedData\") AS \"Audit__new__SignedData\", SUM(\"Audit__delta__SignedData\") AS \"Audit__delta__SignedData\", SUM(\"Audit__flag\") AS \"Audit__flag\" FROM \"_SYS_EPM_DATA\".\"3::2019-04-03 15:12:24.7930000::PDC:2::INTERNAL u:5_USER v:2 m:/t.5.Planning/Planning s:TENANT_\" GROUP BY \"Version.ID\", \"Account.ID\",\"Time.CALMONTH\", \"Audit__time\", \"Audit__user\" WITH HINT (NO_CALC_VIEW_UNFOLDING)' failed: maximum number of rows per table or partition reached: 'TENANT_5:t.5.Planning::AUDT_Planning' at /sapmnt/../"}]"
message: "An unexpected technical error occurred."
- SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, EPM-ODS, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics , KBA , audit table too large , LOD-ANA , SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) , LOD-ANA-BI , Business Intelligence Functionality, Analytic Models , LOD-ANA-PL , Planning , LOD-ANA-BR , SAC Boardroom , LOD-ANA-PR , SAC Predictive , Problem
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