You want to know the Business Object for edit percentage of completion for Sales Order Items.
SAP Business Bydesign
Business Object for editing percentage of completion is FIA_FAV_SLS_SRV_DOC (FinancialAccountingViewOfSalesAndServiceDocument) and the node is ITSOB_MDATA_FOR_ACCR_CALC (ItemSetOfBooksManualDataForAccrualsCalculation) which is already PSM write released and can be used for developing desired business scenarios.
Additionally, there is a BADI already available: BADI_FIA_SLSL_ACCR_POC_PLAN (Get Plan Value for Sales Accruals POC Calculation) to influence the percentage of completion in revenue recognition through customer code. You may also use this if it fits your requirement.
Business Objects for edit percentage of completion, BADI for sales accruals POC Calculation , KBA , bo for poc , badi for sales accruals poc calculation , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To