- During a client export in SCC8, the export appears to complete successfully but no data file gets created for the texts transport request (<SID>KX<nnnnn>)
- Opening the texts request (<SID>KX00011 in the above example) in se10 reveals it is still Modifiable
- The pre-export log of the request (check in /usr/sap/trans/log/<SID>EX<nnnnn>.<SID>) shows that the phase ended with return code 8 due to a missing package
- SAP Netweaver release independent
- OS/DB independent
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Client Copy, Client Export, Copy by Transport, data file missing, KX000, SCC8, RSTXR3TR, Object direcotry entry, Clien Export , KBA , BC-CTS-CCO , Client Copy (For ByD issues select BC-TLM-CP) , Problem
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