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2777188 - Cloud Connector: Error when checking connectivity by sending HEAD request


In the jls_trace log it is clearly shows that the connection can be established with this proxy setting:

"#Successfully connected channel: Starting handshake with tunnel server for tunnel ID: account:///xxxx
#Successfully established tunnel to notification service."

However the connection check of the region host is falling with a trust failure:

" #Error when checking connectivity by sending HEAD request to --> peer not authenticated|" or " Received fatal alert: protocol_version|"

The trust is set up correctly, because without trust the connection would consistently not work.



SAP Cloud Connector


SAP Connectivity service all versions


Cloud Connector, Connection, #Error, checking connectivity, head request, fatal,  protocol version, SSLException, peer not authenticated , KBA , BC-MID-SCC , SAP Cloud Connector On-Demand/On-Premise Connectivity , Problem

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