When installing Dynamic Tiering, getting the following error in the 'failed check for Storage Connector device indicating a configuration issue'
Following error in the hdblcm.log:
17:49:22.466 - INFO: Output line 41: Add host failed
17:49:22.466 - INFO: Output line 42: Add host to instance failed
17:49:22.466 - INFO: Output line 43: Cannot register new host in landscape
17:49:22.466 - INFO: Output line 44: Starting external program /hana/shared/S01/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil
17:49:22.467 - INFO: Output line 45: Command line is: /<Shared_storage_path>/<SID>/HDBXX/exe/hdbnsutil -addHost --role=extended_storage_worker --group=extended_storage --subpath=1024 --workergroup=default
17:49:22.467 - INFO: Output line 46: Output line 1:
17:49:22.467 - INFO: Output line 47: Output line 2: adding host 'nodename' to distributed landscape with role=extended_storage_worker, group=extended_storage, subpath=1024 ...
17:49:22.467 - INFO: Output line 48: Output line 3: error 5548: failed check for Storage Connector device indicating a configuration issue. see nameserver traces of the following hosts;adding host 'nodename4' failed as the test attach failed on 'nodename1', 'nodenae3', 'nodename2'
Following Error in Name Server logs:
[220052]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.677896 i ha_fcClient : fcClient.attach method called
[220052]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688647 i ha_fcClient : using --prout-type=5 for persistent reservations
[220052]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688726 i ha_fcClient : testing attach for partition 1024, usage type DATA on path /<Shared_storage_path>/data/<SID>/mnt01024
[220052]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688802 f ha_fcClient : no storage with key (partiton, usageType) = (1024, DATA) configured
[220052]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688888 e ha_provider PythonProxyImpl.cpp(00535) : hdb_ha.fcClient/fcClient:attach() failed with python error: no storage with key (partiton, usageType) = (1024, DATA) configured raise Exception(msg)
[53715]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688921 i ha_provider HaProviderManager.cpp(00301) : attach rc = 2
[53715]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688926 e ha_provider HaProviderManager.cpp(00305) : attach test failed with 'unable to connect storage devices'
[53715]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.688951 e assign TREXNameServer.cpp(07680) : failed check for Storage Connector device indicating a configuration issue. see nameserver traces of the following hosts
[221388]{-1}[-1] 2019-03-30 17:49:21.711413 e assign TREXNameServer.cpp(07859) : adding host 'nodename4' failed as the test attach failed on nodename1, nodename3, nodename2
KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DYT , SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering , How To
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