While creating a shopping cart using an external catalog
You get error:Product category XXX does not exist,where XXX is product categoryID
You get error:Unit of measure YY does not exist, where YY is Unit of measure symbol
Product ID not filled when you transfer the products from external catalog to shopping cart document / Purchase order.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Homework center
- Go to Advanced shopping view
- Enter all necessary details in step 1 and step2
You will get error.
Product category and Unit of measure comes from external catalog,
since it does not exist in ByDesign, hence the error is thrown.
Product ID or product description in catalog is not mapped with what is there in ByDesign
There is a BADI where we allow mapping of external catalog details like Product id ,Product description, Product category and Unit of measure with ByDeisgn details like Product id , product category and Unit of measure.
So you have to contact your Partner to implement this BADI using PDI studio.
Please pass on the below details to your Partners so that they can take further action to solve this issue.
BADI is meant for such cases, to map values from external catalog to their corresponding values in ByDesign system.
Here are the BADI details:
Product category does not exist,Unit of measure does not exist, Product ID is empty, Unit of measure is empty,product category is missing,Unit of measure is missing,Unit of measure is grayed out,Product ID from external catalog , KBA , product category does not exist , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , AP-REQ-IR , Internal Request , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , Problem