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2777681 - Not possible to open application when composite is deleted in Lumira Designer


The correspondent business scenario from the technical point of view requires two Lumira Designer Documents to be built, one of them with a composite (for example in this case: "BLANK_TEST") that is used in the other document's application (for example in this case: "APPLICATION").

In current instance, a composite is inserted into an Application that is placed in a separate Lumira document.

For some reason the original document gets deleted.

Trying to open the previously used application in which the composite is refferenced by it, results in the following error:




  • Lumira Designer 2.x


SAP Lumira all versions


"remove", "delete", "deletion" "composite", "application", "unknown", "unavailable", "referenced by", "stop", "working" , KBA , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , BI-LUM-FRA , Framework : bookmarking, export, layouting, etc. , BI-LUM-COR , Core: components, sdk, prompts, filters, etc. , How To

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