Your system receives ORA-00060. After checking user trace of the ORA-00060, the deadlock graph is similar as below.
Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds waits
TX-<> <> <> X <><>S
TX-<>-<> <> X <><>S
According to SAP Note 84348, the system will immediately display further information about the object that caused the deadlock after the deadlock graph:
Rows waited on:
Session 39: obj - rowid = 000016F2 - 0003BC42.0000.0093
Session 46: obj - rowid = 000018C2 - 0001012D.004B.0016
Although the select statement of the session terminated by the deadlock is usually also displayed, you can also refer to these two lines to see which table is involved:
000016F2 [hex value] corresponds to 5874 [decimal]
000018C2 [hex value] corresponds to 6338 [decimal]
Use the command below to check the affected object:
sqlplus "sapr3/<passwd>"
SQL> SELECT owner, object_name, object_id FROM DBA_OBJECTS
WHERE object_id=5874;
SQL> SELECT owner, object_name, object_id FROM DBA_OBJECTS
WHERE object_id=6338;
If the affected object is table. Then the issue could be caused by the Insufficient Interested Transaction List.
Oracle Single instance
ORA-00060, deadlock, Interested Transaction List, ITL; , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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