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2777912 - "Show Total" checkbox is missing for 2Y Stacked charts.


  • "Show Data Labels" was checked previously on data label properties in a 1Y Stacked column/bar chart:


  • As soon as the chart is transformed into a 2Y stacked chart by setting a keyfigure to be represented on a secondary Y-Axis, the option disappears from "Data Label" properties and the totals won’t be shown on the stacked bars/colums.
  • Totals will be shown only on a bar/column chart which has only one keyfigure and ordered to the secondary Y-Axis.
  • It is used to be possible with Design Studio.



Lumira Designer 2.x


SAP BusinessObjects Lumira, designer and discovery components all versions


"stacked chart", "2Y", "secondary" "2Y stacked", "data", "labels", "bar", "column", "totals", "chart", "configuration", "missing" , KBA , BI-LUM-CVM , Charting Components , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , How To

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