- On a Sales Kit, when you change the quantity from a round value to a decimal value the ATP check changes from Green to Yellow.
- A warning message is raised 'Sales Kit Insufficient Delivery; earliest delivery DD/MM/YYYY / XX UoM'
DD/MM/YYYY stands for the earliest delivery date considered by the system.
XX stands for numerical value, with or without decimal.
UoM represent the Unit of Measure that is in use.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Sales Orders work center.
Open the Sales Orders view.
Open Sales Order ABC and navigate to the Items tab (ABC stands for the Sales Order ID).
Select the Sales Kit header: the quantity is XX.00 UoM or XX UoM and the ATP check is Green
Change the Quantity to a decimal value such as XX.YZ.
The ATP check changes to Yellow.
The expected UoM for your Sales Kit is Each (EA).
For a UoM such as Each, it is not possible to have a decimal value; it is expected that Sales Kits are sold as a whole.
You need to maintain round values at Sales Kit header level for the ATP to remain Green
UoM, Unit of Measure, Each, EU, Decimal, round, sales order, available to promise, unexpected, commande client, disponibilité, unité de mesure, chaque , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , How To