You would like to trigger massively the missing records of the EC to ERP replication.
In the SuccessFators tool Admin center > Data Replication Monitor you can select the entire page and trigger ("Send"), but your employee population is huge and you want to do this activity only once.
SuccessFactors Employee Central EC to ERP replication
- SuccessFactors Employee Central EC to ECP replication
Replicate EC to ERP employees massively - SuccessFactors SFAPI CompoundEmployee, replicate a bulk of employees missed, Admin Center > Data Replication Monitor, “triggerReplicationMonitorUpdate” parameter, Employee Central Compound Employee API, trigger, "Send" button , KBA , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-BPI , Dell & Boomi Infrastructure , LOD-SF-INT-CE , Compound Employee API , LOD-SF-INT-HCI , Standard SF to 3rd Party CPI (HCI) Content , How To
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