- Validation error:[Target Table:<tablename>)] Log directory for Teradata loader <tablename> is not specified. (BODI-1111415)
- Runtime error: DBS-120809 <datetime> |Data flow <df_name>|Loader <table_name> DBS-120809 Cannot open directory <directory that does not exist on the server>
- Runtime error: DBS-120804 <datetime> Cannot find log file that matches <table_name*out>.
- One Data Services job server has this issue, another one does not.
- The environments are the same.
- No Teradata configuration settings are pointing to that directory.
- Bulk loading Teradata is not working in one environment, even though it is setup the same as the other.
- Transactional load of Teradata works in both environments.
- The bulk load options, the Teradata > Log file directory option is set to a different directory.
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services 4.2
TD , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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