There is no option to search with service and support team in the ticket's advance filter.
SAP Cloud for Customer.
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Service work center.
Go to the Tickets view.
Click on Adapt->Edit Master Layout .
Go to the advance filter/search of ticket .
Click on cursor to add new field.
You can see there is no standard field name service and support team available to be added.
You do not have field with name service and support team, but there exist field name team which can be added here.
- Go to the Service work center.
- Go to the Tickets view.
- Click on Adapt->Edit Master Layout .
- Go to the advance filter/search of ticket .
- Click on cursor to add new field and add the field with lable as Team and Control Type as Object Value Selector.
- End Layout changes.
Now, you will be able to filter tickets base on service and support team which you maintain in involved parties facet of ticket by using an advance search with the field name Team.
Tikcte ,Advance filter , KBA , service and support team , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1902 ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1905