- The below error could be often produced when some DML jobs were executed, rather than a specific job was running.
- A review of KBA 2505376 - SAP IQ multiplex server hang in buffer manager functions
- The above KBA indicated this is expected behavior, fixed in later versions of the software
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL12 and higher
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP01 PL05 and higher
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP02 PL02 and higher
- Before the error, there was not any memory related message or error at all.
- many jobs failed with following error pattern in the .iqmsg message file (iqconnid 0000303101)
I. 04/08 02:53:58. 0000303101 Txn 125546018 0 125546018
I. 04/08 03:27:20. 0000303101 [bmp-trace-tout][rpbid] tid:333078 bmp:0x82017b0c8 lbn:41558 next-lbn:41559 pbn:210095119 nb: compr?1 updateNext?0
I. 04/08 03:27:20. 0000303101 Warning, s_bufpartition::GetCleanPage is retrying to avert a potential deadlock, retry=1, tid=333078
I. 04/08 03:27:40. 0000303101 [bmp-trace-tout][rpbid] tid:333078 bmp:0x82017b0c8 lbn:15090 next-lbn:15091 pbn:140463514 nb: compr?1 updateNext?0
I. 04/08 03:27:40. 0000303101 Warning, s_bufpartition::GetCleanPage is aborting to avert a potential deadlock after 3 failed tries, tid=333078
I. 04/08 03:27:41. 0000303101 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:13507, Err# 11, tid 122 origtid 1296
I. 04/08 03:27:41. 0000303101 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2055 (s_bufman_exception); SQLCode: -1009204, SQLState: 'QSC01', Severity: 14
I. 04/08 03:27:41. 0000303101 [22257]: Statement terminated to prevent potential deadlock. Try again.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 13507)
I. 04/08 03:27:42. 0000303101 Cmt 125546778
I. 04/08 03:27:42. 0000303101 TINFO t=125546018 v=125546018 c=125546778 gt=0 gc=0 pcv=0 ME=0 MSE=0 TRR=0 #=0
I. 04/08 03:27:42. 0000303101 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 13892 SA connID: 62 IQ connID: 0000303101 User: dwwork
SAP IQ 16.1 SP02 and higher
's_bufpartition::GetCleanPage' , 's_blockmap.cxx' , 'potential deadlock after 3 failed tries' , 'potential deadlock' , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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