You ran the GR/IR Inventories - Balance Summary report and noticed a remaining balance for a given purchase order. This purchase order is not being shown as an item to be cleared by a GR/IR Run.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Business Analytics work center.
- Go to the Design Reports view.
- Open the report GR/IR Inventories - Balance Summary.
You notice a remaining balance for a given purchase order. The expected result would be to show no records, meaning the items have been cleared via GR/IR run.
- Go to Inventory Valuation work center.
- Go to Purchasing Document Items view.
- Use the Show filter as Items to be Cleared.
- Search for the concerned purchase order.
You see that the purchase order is not shown as an Item to be Cleared.
If you use the Show All filter, you may find the purchase order with a Marked for Final Clearing Date, however in this case a previous GR/IR has already processed this purchase order.
As per GR/IR behavior, the run will always look for clearing possibilities comparing goods receipt / invoice receipt within the same clearing set. When an invoice is created, a clearing set is defined. Once a goods receipt is created and linked to this invoice, the clearing set IDs gets adjusted accordingly so that a proper match can be done - depending on the cost assignment.
There are different variances on this scenario. One of many examples can be illustrated as follows:
Via report GR/IR Inventories - Balance Summary you have identified a remaining balance to be cleared off. For the given purchase order, the following sequence of events has happened:
- Invoice (for 8 ea) XXX-X has been created before the goods receipt. Hence, clearing set for the invoice was set as XXX-X.1
- After that, goods receipt YYY-Y got created for the total purchased quantity (e.g. 8 each). In this step the clearing set is updated from XXX-X.1 to YYY-Y.1 and contains both the invoice and the goods receipt.
- A GR/IR run is executed and cleared the accounts based on clearing set YYY-Y.1.
- Goods receipt YYY-Y got canceled.
- A new GR/IR has been executed, which reversed the cleared postings and the amount/invoice (XXX-X) has been assigned back to clearing set XXX-X.1.
- A chronological sequence of new goods receipt have been created with the partial quantities and the clearing sets have been updated, as follows:
- GR AAA-A (4ea) -> Clearing set AAA-A.1
- GR BBB-B (2ea) -> Clearing Set BBB-B.1
- GR CCC-C (1ea) -> Clearing Set CCC-C.1
- GR DDD-D (1ea) -> Clearing Set DDD-D.1
Therefore, there are currently 4 goods receipt delivering 8ea in total referencing one invoice for the 8ea. The references can be seen in the Cost Assignment tab of the supplier invoice.
Note that for each update on the clearing set, a new version of the supplier invoice is created in order to update accounting and create a corresponding journal entry to properly document the clearing set change.
In this case, when goods receipt DDD-D has been posted and a cost assignment in the invoice has been done referencing this document, a new version of the supplier invoice should have updated the remaining amount from clearing set XXX-X.1 to clearing set DDD-D.1 to be cleared on GR/IR. This change didn't happen because the corresponding supplier invoice version got stuck under General Ledger -> Source Documents. This remaining change from clearing sets is the amount that you see pending to be cleared in the GR/IR Inventories - Balance Summary.
Go to General Ledger work center.
- Go to Source Documents view.
- Search for unposted versions of supplier invoice XXX-X.
- Post all the pending versions.
Once posted, the correct clearing set references will be made and you may execute GR/IR again.
Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt Clearing Run. Purchase Order. GR/IR Clearing. Mark Final Clearing. Clearing Set. Supplier Invoice. Purchase Order. Balance. Invoice Receipt. , KBA , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , How To