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2779609 - HANA HTTP SAML SSO from BI fails with Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400] or [HTTPResponseCode - 301]


  •  Configure HANA HTTP SAML SSO as documented in KBA 2284620 - HOW-TO HANA DB SSO SAML and BI Platform 4.2 SP4 and higher / AO 2.2
  •  Test the HANA HTTP connection in the CMC HANA Application section fails with the following error:

    The test of the HANA SSO ticket used to log onto the HANA DB has failed due to: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]. (FWM 02133) Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]

    The test of the HANA SSO ticket used to log onto the HANA DB has failed due to: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 301]. (FWM 02133) 

  • Logs generated on the APS with STS service show similar errors:

    2019 04 10 13:30:15.851|STS: The test of the HANA SSO ticket used to log onto the HANA DB has failed due to: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]. (FWM 02133) Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]
    com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKException$SAMLTestConnectionFailure: The test of the HANA SSO ticket used to log onto the HANA DB has failed due to: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]. (FWM 02133)
    cause:java.lang.Exception: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]
    detail:The test of the HANA SSO ticket used to log onto the HANA DB has failed due to: Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]. (FWM 02133) Configuration Error [HTTPResponseCode - 400]

  • Navigating to http(s)://<hanaserver>:<hanaport>/sap/bc/ina/service/v2/GetServerInfo URL may return the following error:

    {"Messages":[{"Number":42001,"Type":2,"Text":"InformationAccess Service GetServerInfo is not available. Install the SAP HANA EPM-MDS plugin."}]}



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 Support Package 05 and above
  • SAP HANA Platform 2.0


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


SAML SSO HANA BI AAO AO aoffice sign on automatic logon silent http400 http http response 400 hanahttp hana saml epm-mds informationAccess Service bi bip boe bobj 42 4.2 4x hana2 hana2.0 2.0 2 , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem

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