You are using the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit
You are trying to load G/L account balances (SIF_GL_BALANCES) or G/L account open/line item (SIF_GL_OPEN_ITEM) into SAP S/4HANA on-premise.
During the data migration you get the error message CNV_DMC_SIN 168 " Account xxx with cost elem. categ. xxx requires an assign. to a CO object." but no assignment to CO object is required via manual posting to this account.
You are running SAP S/4HANA 1610 or 1709 or 1809.
CNV_DMC_SIN 168; cost element category; CO object assignment , KBA , CA-GTF-MIG , SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Cockpit Content , Problem
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