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2781247 - Db2 reports an address space conflict while executing command 'db2gcf'


You observe that Netweaver AS work processes are in reconnect status and general connectivity to the DB2 database has been disrupted.  The following error is reported in the db2diag.log for program 'db2gcf'.

2019-04-03- E5902179E684 LEVEL: Error
PID : 64020 TID : 47571099091008 PROC : db2gcf
INSTANCE: db2db6 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, high avail services, sqlhaInternalDbmsAttach, probe:209
"An address space conflict was detected attaching to shared memory."

Program 'db2gcf'  (DB2 Generic Control Facility) is the Control DB2 Instance command that resides in INSTHOME/sqllib/bin for Unix systems and sqllib\bin for Windows systems.  It  starts, stops, or monitors a DB2  instance, usually from an automated script, such as in an HA (high availability) cluster or TSA managed HADR environment.



  • SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows
  • Db2 10.1 lower than fixpack 5
  • Db2 10.5 lower than fixpack 7
  • Db2 11.1 lower than Mod 3 Fixpack 3


SAP NetWeaver all versions


ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization db2vend  kernel.randomize_va_space hang swap , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem

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