- After the SAP ERP Mobile Add-On system support packages were upgraded
SMERP 620_700 0005
SMFND 620_700 0005
SMERP 620_700 0007
SMFND 620_700 0007
The Admin/Basis team are facing an issue in initializing SAPWM applications in SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) - The application log suggests there is some authorization failure for Service User (RFC_SMP)
- Error: com.syclo.AgentryExeption - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_AUTH_CHECK:System authorization check failed
- Screen shot of SMP application log and Screen shot of authorization failure in Transaction SU53
- As the application in SMP is not even started, users are facing Communication Error (14) while agentry client sync.
- SAP Work Manager 6.4.1
- SAP ERP 6.20 (SMERP and SMFND)
SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP ERP 6.20, add-on for mobile integration ; SAP Work Manager 6.4
"SUSR_USER_PROF_PROFILE_GET","BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL","/SYCLO/CX_CORE_AUTH_CHECK:System authorization check failed","SMERP upgrade","SMFND upgrade","com.syclo.AgentryExeption on SMP 3.0 startup","Communication Error (14)","Upgrade Mobile AddOn" , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-APP-MAO-ERP , S4MERP/SMERP-Mobile Add-On integration to S4/ERP , Problem
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