You run the Optimizer having the Aggregated Constraint Maximum Aggregate Transport Receipts (MAXAGGTRANSPORT) = 2,000 at Location ID - Product Family level, and a total TRANSPORT at the same Location ID - Product Family level of 2,000 as well. Therefore, the Optimizer is respecting the Aggregated Constraint Maximum Aggregate Transport Receipts (MAXAGGTRANSPORT) and reaching its limit of 2,000.
However, when you add MINTRANSPORT = 500 for one Location ID - Product ID combination, the total TRANSPORT at Location ID - Product Family level results in 2,500, hence violating the MAXAGGTRANSPORT of 2,000.
Note: this scenario also applies to the Downstream Key Figures MAXAGGTRANSPORTDS, TRANSPORTDS and MINTRANSPORTDS.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SCM-SOP)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
Hard Constraint, violation, respected. , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP-OPT , Supply Optimizer , Problem
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