When migrating accounting data (e.g. Open Items Receivables) using the migration tool in Business Configuration, the following error occurs.
File validation failed. Create an incident.
When you attempt to download the file, the following error occurs in your browser:
500 SAP Internal Server Error ERROR: Semantic descriptor does not exist (termination: ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE).
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview
- Search for activity Migrate of Accounting Transaction Data
- Click on Change Immediately or Open
- Click on Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool
- Select effected migration unit
- Click on Execute Migration
- Select the effected source file under Migration Object
- Click on Process File
- Click on Repeat Validation
- Select Validate All Records
- The following error occurs: File validation failed. Create incident.
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview
- Search for activity Migrate of Accounting Transaction Data
- Click on Change Immediately or Open
- Click on Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool
- Select effected migration unit
- Select the effected source file under Migration Object
- Click on Actions > Download
- The following error occurs: 500 SAP Internal Server Error ERROR: Semantic descriptor does not exist (termination: ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE)
Inconsistencies occur when attempting to renew the runtime object.
Please open an incident to enable a backend correction. We are currently working on a software correction to provide a permanent solution as soon as possible.
Migration von Finanz Bewegungsdaten im WC Betriebswirtschaftliche Konfiguration, Migration von Buchhaltungsbewegungsdaten, mit Migrationstool migrieren, die Datenvalidierung ist fehlgeschlagen, bei Versuch Vorlagendatei herunterzuladen, erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung Semantischer Deskriptor existiert nicht , KBA , migration , open items receivable , accounting transaction data , semantic descriptor does not exist , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , Problem