You log on to the EHSM system using a different language than the incidents were originally created.
You open an existing incident and the content translation of some text fields do not appear.
When you hit the "Edit Translation" button and select the language you wish to see the translation to, you notice that there is no translation there, the content is empty.
On the image of the example above, you can see that the user logged on using "Portuguese" as selected language. Notice that the field content is in English and no translation is available for the logged on language.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- Component Extension for SAP EHS Management (EHS)
Edit translation, translation, incident, incident management, EHSM, language, automatic, automatic translation , KBA , EHS-SUS-IM , Incident Management , EHS-MGM-INC , Incident Management , Problem
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