A join query with OUTER JOIN clauses on a condition including a CASE statement may return an incorrect result set.
- The CASE statement on the OUTER JOIN condition possibly returns a NULL value.
This problem may occur if merge joins or hash joins are chosen, and it does not occur if only nested loop joins are used.
Below is a sample query which possibly causes this problem :
SELECT test_a.a_col1, test_a.a_col2, test_b.b_col4, test_c.c_col4
FROM test_a
LEFT OUTER JOIN test_b ON test_a.a_col1 = test_b.b_col1 and test_a.a_col2 = test_b.b_col2 and test_b.b_col3 = 'T001'
LEFT OUTER JOIN test_c ON test_c.c_col1 = CASE
WHEN test_a.a_col2 = 'TEST01' THEN '1'
ELSE null
- Even if the ELSE clause is not specified, the default is ELSE NULL. So, the same problem can occur.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
CR819088, CR#819088, CR 819088, incorrect result, wrong result, case, NULL, merge join, hash join , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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