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2784034 - Unsupported feature error using Server Side Pagination for WorkOrder entity - Integration Center


When trying to query the Delta from Workorder entity in Integration Center with Server Side Pagination feature enabled the following error message is received, "Error invoking query API: Unsupported feature: You cannot use the 'lastModifiedDateTime' filter in a navigation."



SuccessFactors BizX - all versions


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions


Error invoking query API: Unsupported feature: You cannot use the 'lastModifiedDateTime' filter in a navigation; Integration Center; Server Side Pagination; MDF Entity; WorkOrder; , KBA , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT-MDF , Metadata Framework API (MDF) , Problem

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