You observe that for specific Firefighter sessions, the logs are empty or incomplete, and/or workflow is not generated for the session. The issue does not happen for all sessions which makes it hard to identify the root cause.
What can be the reason for that?
- SAP Access Control 10.0
- SAP Access Control 10.1
- SAP Access Control 12.0
EAM, firefighter, fire, fighter, FF, FFID, FFUser, controller, owner, email, e-mail, notification, workflow, request, review, invalid log report , KBA , workflow , grac_spm_log_sync_update , grac_spm_workflow_sync , 4007 , 4009 , stad , action usage , system log , os command log , change log , time zone , mass update , user exit , ff log sync , role based firefighting , inconsistencies , GRC-SAC-EAM , Emergency Access Management , GRC-ACP , GRC Access Control Plug-In , Problem
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