In SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM 9.5+ and embedded TM in S/4 HANA), the statuses on the TRQ document (Forwarding Order, Order-Based Transportation Requirement, Delivery-Based Transportation Requirement) are not getting updated from the successor document, for example:
- when the execution status on a successor documents such as Freight Unit (FU) and Freight Booking (FB) is updated, the execution status on the FWO is not updated
- when the planning is removed from the successor Freight Unit, the OTR/DTR/TRQ Life Cycle Status remains Planned and doesn't change to 'In planning'
- SAP Transportation Management 9.5+
- SAP Transportation Management embedded in S/4HANA 1709, 1809
Forwarding Order, status, not updated, Freight Booking, execution status, bgrfc, sbgrfcmon, sbgrfcconf, trigger, /SCMTMS/TRQ, SET_LIFECYCLE_STATUS, TRQ, DTR, OTR, FWO, /SCMTMS/PROC_TRIG_BGRFC, /SCMTMS/CL_TRIG_CONTROL_ACTION , KBA , TM-FWM-FWO , Forwarding Order , TM-FRM-FRB , Freight Booking , Problem
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