You are trying to hide a custom created Embedded Component via Adaptation Mode but the option to hide the EC is not available.
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- You have created a custom solution with an extension to a standard business object (.xbo).
- You have created a custom Embedded Component which you have attached to a Standard Screen in the system.
Now you wish to change the behavior of the Custom Embedded Component via Adaptation Mode in the UI, so you follow the below steps:
- Navigate to the affected work center.
- Go to the affected view.
- Open any instance and navigate to the related Embedded Component.
- Start Adaptation Mode to hide the custom Embedded Component but you notice that the hide option is not available.
There is no anchor configured for the custom Embedded Component
You would need to create an extensibility anchor as follows:
- Open the Standard Screen where the Embedded Component is attached on the UI Designer.
- Highlight the relevant EC section.
- Go to the Proprieties tab.
- Select an "UI level" like "PaneContainer", "List", "AdvancedListPane" or any other which accepts the anchor creation.
- Click on "Anchor" within the Properties tab.
- Choose the "+" button (as shown in the below screenshot) to configure the anchor.
PDI, SDK, Studio, master, layout, personalization , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-RT , UI Framework Runtime , AP-RC-UIF-DT , UI Framework Designtime , How To
SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions