- Short dump when activating the /FLDQ/BASE_CI1 BC set
- Short dump occurs on BC Set /BASE_CD1
- Activation error on the Client Independent and Client dependent BC sets
- Open SQL array insert produces duplicate records in the database.
- The current ABAP program "/FLDQ/SAPLAD_TABLES" had to be terminated because it found a statement that could not be executed.
- Error Analysis contains: An exception has occurred in class "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB". This exception was not caught in procedure "TABLE_DB_UPD" "(FORM)" or propagated by a RAISING clause. Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this exception, the current program was terminated.
The reason for the exception occurring was:
The reason for the exception is:
When an Open SQL array insert is performed, trying to insert a record into the database table "/FLDQ/AD_CFG_RVW" causes the function to terminate if a record with the same key already exists.
- DQM for SAP, powered by HANA
- S4CORE Package
SAP Data Quality Management, version for SAP solutions all versions
DQM SAP, FLDQ, /FLDQ/, BASE CI1, , KBA , EIM-DQM-SAP , Data Quality Management for SAP , Problem
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