- Since HANA 1809 several types of IS-M tables are no longer available. Therefore a syntax error in various transactions or programs occurs.
- In SAP S/4HANA 1809 system is giving dump because FM ISP_CONVERT_FIRSTCHARS_TOUPPER is missing.
- In case of S/4HANA business function set MEDIA is not applicable, media specific attributes are not existing for Material Master.
- Short dump occurred: Function module "ISP_SELECT_SINGLE_TBSL" was called, but it was not found.
- There are missing condition tables used for pricing, output for billing, and so on, due to the deprecation of the JSD package.
- After system upgrade from SAP S/4HANA 1709 FPS1 to SAP S/4HANA 1809 FPS1 the standard table type BAPIRET2TAB has been deleted.
- Function Module ISP_GET_MONTH_NAME is missing.
- Short dump occurred: Function module "ISM_SELECT_SINGLE_CEPCT" was called, but it was not found.
SAP S/4HANA 1809
Funktionsbaustein, Programm, veraltet, Namensraum, nicht verfügbar , KBA , IS-M , Media , How To
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