Kerberos authentication sometimes fails in the NetWeaver ABAP with error message "The verification of Kerberos ticket failed" .
The CommonCryptoLib trace (SAP Note 1848999) shows that Service Account User Principal is different from the one in the SPNego UI. For example:
] Verifying ticket returned a2600204: Kerberos ticket decryption failed
] Ticket:
] Ticket version number: 5
] Principal name (SPN):
] Name (type 2):SAP/SSO-SID
] Encrypted part:
] Key type: RC4 (23)
] Key version number: 2
] Cipher: <Not displayed>
] global keyTab:
] Service account (type 0):KerberosSID@EXAMPLE.DOMAIN.COM
but in the SPNEGO transaction, the Service Account configured is different:
*Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP
- SAP Single Sign-On Product 2.0
- SAP Single Sign-On Product 3.0
intermittent, intermittently, A2210217 , KBA , BC-IAM-SSO-SL , Secure Login , BC-SEC-LGN-SPN , SPNego for ABAP , Problem
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