The Fiori app My Travel and Expenses (the MTE 1.7 app) is in use. The system shall also calculate meals per diem. Deductions shall be taken into account. The user might have the impression, that the deductions are set per default. This however is not the case. There is no such thing as pre-checked deductions; in none of the user interfaces to manage expense reports. Per default, there'll always be the full reimbursement without deductions.
Travel Management on-premise solution; EA-HRGXX 607 and EA-HRGXX 608, MTE 1.7
deductions, select, deselect, meals, meals per diem, Fiori MTE, , KBA , FI-TV-ODT-MTE , My Travel and Expenses , FI-FIO-TV-MTE , My Travel and Expenses , Problem
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