- While performing BW DAP (Data Archiving Process) to archive data to SAP IQ database, the job failed with the following errors reported in the SM37 log:
[IQ Error SQL-131:42000][Sybase IQ]Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 1
- The related dev_w* trace file reports the offending SQL statement:
C ERROR: -1 in function ExecuteAndFlush (SQLExecDirect) [line 15453]
C (-131) [42000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Sybase IQ]Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 1
C DbSlExecute - Error 99 (dbcode -131) on DDLExecute
C DbSlExecute - <ALTER TABLE "<table_name>" MOVE PARTITION "PMAX" TO "" >
C dbdssyb: DBSL99 SQL-131
C [IQ Error SQL-131:42000][Sybase IQ]Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 1
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -131 performing EXE [dbds 670]
B ***LOG BY0=> [IQ Error SQL-131:42000][Sybase IQ]Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 1 [dbds 670]
L Begin of BtcSetFinalStepStatus: jobname=BI_ARCH-xxxxxxxx , jobcount=xxxxxxx
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5 (Business Warehouse)
NLS, IQ, partition, move, DEFAULT_DBSPACE, default_dbspace, dbspace , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem
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