SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2785806 - Process Communication Error in Point-of-Sale Transaction: Payment Card Type <ZXX> Not Permitted for Clearing House Account XXX


You have a process communication error inside the document flow of the Point-of-Sale Transaction document.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Under the Point-of-Sale Transaction view, select Sales Transaction subview.
  3. Search for the ID ABC (ABC represents the ID of the document).
  4. Click on the Edit button.
  5. Navigate to the Document Flow tab.

A process communication error is found under the Sales Transaction document.

  1. Go to the Application and User Management work center.
  2. Select the Process Communication Errors view.
  3. In the Show field Select Open Errors with Incidents.
  4. Search for Point-of-Sale Transaction ABC.
  5. The following error is displayed for this Sales Transaction Document:

Payment card type <ZXX> not permitted for clearing house account XXX (ZXX represents the ID of the Payment card type and XXX represents the ID of the clearing house account).


The error is being raised, as the Payment Card is not maintained under the assigned Clearing House. In order to correct the behavior, please maintain the Payment Card ZXX under the expected Clearing House Account.


  1. Go to the Liquidity Management work center.
  2. Under the Master Data view, select Clearing House Accounts subview.
  3. Select the active Clearing House Account XXX.
  4. Click on the Edit button.
  5. Select the Credit Card Types tab.
  6. You see that the Payment Card Type ZXX is not maintained.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. Enter the expected Payment Card Type, for example ZXX.
  9. Click Save.

Once this is completed, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Application and User Management work center.
  2. Under the Business Data Consistency view, select the Business Documents Differences subview.
  3. Select All Differences.
  4. Search for the Point-of-Sale Transaction ABC.
  5. Click on Start Repeat Check button.
  6. Click on the Document Synchronization button.

In case this does not solve the error, please create an incident with all relevant details.


POS; Point-of-Sale; Error; PCE; Process Communication Error; Payment Card Type; Credit Card; Clearing House , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , How To


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