SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2785812 - Goal Initiatives still appear in the user's goal plan after the user is no longer in the group


  • The Goal Initiatives still appear in the user's goal plan after the user is no longer part of the granted group. 
  • Goal Initiatives still appear in a user's goal plan after the user has changed department / division / location (for example).  


 SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Admin Center > Goal Management > Manage Initiatives.
  2. Create a Initiative Group and include some initiatives.
  3. Click the Action icon > Assign > choose "Department" as the criteria and select Department "HR" > then select some Goal Plan > click "Done".
  4. Proxy as user A (who belongs to department "HR") and go to its Goal Plan > add a goal > see the initiatives from the group you just created are available. 
  5. Become the admin again > change the department of user A to "Sales".
  6. Proxy as user A (who now belongs to department "Sales") and go to its Goal Plan > add a goal > see that the initiatives from the group assigned to users from department "HR" is still available for user A to select. 


Even though the user assignments to groups are refreshed automatically, the Goals module does not monitor those user assignment changes to unassign / assign Goal Initiatives.


Administrators need to manually refresh the assignment of Goal Initiatives, which can be done by re-saving the assignment of the initiative groups:

  1. Go to Admin Center > Goal Management > Manage Initiatives.
  2. For the Initiative Group Names who changed its membership > click on the Action icon > Assign.
  3. The Initiative Group Assignment dialog will appear > Save it without making any changes. 
  4. This refreshes the assignment of this Initiative Group to the users. 

See Also

SAP Help Portal - Goal Management Guide - Initiatives


initiatives still remain assigned to user left group objective , KBA , LOD-SF-GM , Goal Management , LOD-SF-GM-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions