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2786040 - SWPM Error: TypeError: instanceForDeploy has no properties - duiring IDM installation/update


Software Provisioning Manager Tool  (SWPM SAP Note: 1680045) fails with the following error during installation/update of IDM

sapinst_dev.log contains following error:


<#####>:   }
<#####>:   var bootstrapDir = instanceForDeploy.resolvePath("DIR_INSTANCE").concat("j2ee").concat("cluster").concat("bootstrap");
<#####>:   var jars = [];
<#####>:   for (var nodeIter = bootstrapDir.getNode().getChildNodes(jarPattern); !nodeIter.isDone(); {
<#####>:     var childNode = nodeIter.get();
<#####>:     var childNodePath = childNode.getUNCPathObject();
<#####>:     jars.push(childNodePath.toStringOS());
<#####>:   }


ERROR      <timestamp> (<user>) (startInstallation) [EJSGlobal.cpp:48] id=ejs.scriptMessage errno=FJS-00003 EJS_ErrorReporter
TypeError: instanceForDeploy has no properties (in script NW_IDM_AdaptNW|ind|ind|ind|ind, line <#####>: ???)


ERROR      <timestamp> (<USER>) (startInstallation) [CSiStepExecute.cpp:1104] id=controller.stepExecuted errno=FCO-00011 CSiStepExecute::execute()
The step getNWVersion with step key |NW_IDM_AdaptNW|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_IDM_AdaptNW_Internal|ind|ind|ind|ind|adaptNw|0|getNWVersion was executed with status ERROR (Last error reported by the step: TypeError: instanceForDeploy has no properties (in script NW_IDM_AdaptNW|ind|ind|ind|ind, line <#####>: ???)).


(The line <#####> numbers can be different in different version of SWPM Tools)



IDM System installation or update using SWPM Tool


IDM, SWPM, sapinst, instanceForDeploy , KBA , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , BC-IAM-IDM , Identity Management , Problem

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