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2786306 - Push notifications for SRM-FIORI apps


You would like to configure push notifications for the SRM Fiori applications available in the Fiori Launchpad, such as ECC Fiori applications (e.g., when a new PO is available to approve in the Approve Purchase Orders app.)




  • SAP Fiori 1.0


SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP SRM


SRM, FIORI, push notification, push notifications, push, notification, notifications, alerts, alert, new PO, PO, SC, shopping cart, enable, setup, SRM FIORI app, apps, app, approve purchase orders, approve purchase order , KBA , SRM-FIO-POR , Fiori UI for Approve Purchase Orders , SRM-EBP-CGS , Confirmation Goods/Services , SRM-FIO-SHP , Fiori UI for Shopping Carts , SRM-FIO-SOC , Fiori UI for Carry Out Sourcing , How To

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