While performing an upgrade of a JAVA system using Software Update Manager (SUM), the following error occurs in Build Component List for Upgrade Step:
- In the SUM GUI:
XX components installed in the system cannot be handled automatically by the SUM process. More Details ...
The operation for these components has been set to scan inbox. To update these components, you must provide a deployable archive with the
target release version of each component in your download directory <path of download directory>, select Rebuild the component list after
scanning the download directory option, and then choose Continue. If you want to remove a component from the system, you can change the
operation for this component to Remove.
Select the operation that the Software Update Manager will perform on a listed component. If the displayed component list is correct and
select Continue. Alternatively, scan the download directory again and rebuild the component list:
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: Component with name <NAME> and vendor <VENDOR> has no successor in target release. Actions 'scan inbox' or 'remove file' can be selected for this component.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: In dialog ConfirmOption the value of variable CORRECT labeled Continue the process; the displayed component list is correct and complete has been set to value of variable false.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: In dialog ConfirmOption the value of variable REBUILD labeled Rebuild the component list after scanning the download directory has been set to value of variable true.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: In dialog OKCancel the value of variable OKAY labeled #Continue has been set to value of variable #Continue.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: Dialog OKCancel has been confirmed.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: Processing input in dialog ConfirmComponents type Composite.
<DATE> <TIME> [Info ]: In dialog Components the value of variable COMPONENTS labeled has been set to value of variable
SORT_FIELD:class java.lang.String; VENDOR:class java.lang.String; APPLICATION_PACKAGE:class java.lang.String; RELEASE:class java.lang.String; SUPPORT_PACKAGE_LEVEL:class java.lang.String;
PATCH_LEVEL:class java.lang.String; PROVIDER:class java.lang.String; OPERATION:class;
20; <VENDOR>; <NAME>; 0; 0; 0; <PROVIDER>; [[scan inbox,remove],scan inbox];
Software Update Manager (SUM) for a JAVA System
SUM, JAVA, Build, Component, List, Upgrade, successor, scan inbox, remove, target, release, modified, vendor, custom, LOKAL, DDI, local, configuration roadmap step , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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